Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Final Reduction on the 2011 Conscious Kernels Calendar

Moving into the second quarter of this wonderful year and we have one final discount on the 2011 Conscious Kernels Affirmation calendar -- 30%!!

That is the most Lulu.com (which prints the calendar) will allow. So take advantage of this last available reduction and move your year into a higher level of consciousness.

You get a monthly affirmation you can view and read and say out loud every day of that month. This one convenient, easy step in a daily spiritual practice will open your mind and your heart to the good you are capable of receiving.

Order yours today! Don't waste another minute.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Resist Not

OK, so I have been resisting getting Conscious Kernels up on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. But as the Bible says "resist not". And I think AA says "what you resists, persists". And in keeping with the Science of Mind teaching, which is what we are all about, we are open to new things and know that they are good.

So I am changing my thinking and now know Facebook as good. Good for Conscious Kernels. Good to spread the word about what we offer and what good we can do for people.

Our Facebook page is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Conscious-Kernels-Inc/204994119513805?sk=wall

Please become a fan by "liking" us. We will still be playing around with the settings, so please be patient with us. And if you are on Facebook, please let your Facebook friends know about us.

A new and exciting adventure for Conscious Kernels. (And when I recover from this, we will tackle Twitter!)

Blessings to all.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We still have DVDs!

Dear Conscious Kernels friends,
As you may be aware, we used to offer spiritual and enlightening DVDs through Amazon.com as part of our efforts to bring you all kinds of ways to encourage, enhance and advance your personal spiritual growth. Yes, used to. Past tense.

Well, Amazon has decided to cut all ties with anyone or any business residing in a state that charges sales tax for items bought on the internet (or mail order) and shipped to that state. (We are talking physical products here -- not digital downloads.) Conscious Kernels resides in one such state and Amazon had decreed that it will no longer do business with us. Therefore, we have removed our hand-selected picks of Amazon DVDs from our website.

But, have no fear, we are still partnered with Spiritual Cinema Circle and SpiritClips.

Spiritual Cinema Circle is like the old Columbia Music House in that it is a monthly membership and you get DVDs instead of CDs or audiotapes. And, of course, they specialize in spiritual and uplifting movies. There is a free one-month trial, so it hurts nothing to try it out and see if it is for you.

SpiritClips is an awesome view-on-demand movie site where you can watch videos and movies over the internet (sort of like NetFlix). In addition to the on-demand streaming movies, there are electronic video greeting cards and other great things. Check that out too.

Just go to the same DVD page at ConsciousKernels.com and click on the links there. We even have a video sample from Spiritual Cinema Circle right on our page.

So as one door closes, another door opens. Right action is always taking place and this is just another example of it! I think you will enjoy what both SCC and SpiritClips have to offer.

More website changes coming soon -- stay tuned!!

Until next time,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April Idea of the Month

How are you enjoying our communal spiritual practice of following, reading, and studying "365 Science of Mind" every day?

I have found it to be a great daily reminder of the Truth of Life and of myself.  I am communing with Spirit more often each day. I consult Spirit. I direct the Law. I affirm the truth of the Goodness of God more often. Isn't that a better way to go through life?

This month of April is the month of Renewal in "365". That goes with spring quite nicely. Renewal is wonderful. This idea allows to mind to remember that there is hope and fulfillment. That it is never too late for anything. That the past does not equal the future -- or even the present -- for that matter. That out of seeming negative appearances can come positive advancements.

So I invite you to pick something in your life that you would like to have new thinking about. Maybe it is your job or your spouse. Renew your commitment to being outstanding at what you do or your commitment to love.

As I wrote in the Feature Article for this month's newsletter, start paying attention to an area of your life you want to be more than average. Pick that area to have a new idea about -- a new mental equivalent. Spring is such a wonderful time to have new ideas about many areas of your life. Shed the winter clothes and have a new-found respect for you body. Clean out your home and circulate things you no longer need, and in the process, make room for new things to come into your life.

What do you want to have a new idea about? Share your thoughts -- post a comment.

Until next time,