Monday, September 3, 2012

Visit us at TheosoFEST 2012

Visit our booth at TheosoFEST 2012 this Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012 from 10am to 5pm. We will be offering some of our products as well as Metaphysical Rune Stone Castings based on the Conscious Kernels book, "The Metaphysical Power of the Runes."

The Fest is at the Theosophical Society in Wheaton IL. If you live in the are, stop by. Free admission. Parking $5—No charge for those driving hybrid cars or riding bicycles!

Hope to see you there! Tell them you saw it on the Conscious Kernels blog!

September Idea of the Month

This month we discuss the Greatest Affirmation.

Thomas Troward says the Great Affirmation is "I Am." Just "I Am." With no qualifiers, no descriptors, no limitations. To Troward, even good, positive, wonderful words placed after "I am" is limiting. And we should not place limits on ourselves.

That's pretty hard-line. Using positive affirmations such as "I am health." "I am prosperous." and "I am happy." are good, positive affirmations and we should use them. A lot of good comes from using affirmations on a daily basis. Affirmations can be an important part of a spiritual practice.

But I think Troward is also saying to us, challenging us to go even more to Source, to go even closer to First Cause and just say "I Am".

God told Moses to tell the people the name of God is "I Am That I Am" when they ask what is God's name. "I Am That I Am" sounds to me like the Great Affirmation made Infinite. "I Am That I Am That I Am That I Am" etc. to infinity. God is Infinite Intelligence. God is Infinite Wisdom, Light, Goodness, Joy. You name it.

So we can get closer to that infinite, limitless Source that is God when we do a spiritual practice of just saying "I Am."

Try a meditation or mantra of "I Am" the next time you meditate or do your other affirmations. See what happens to broaden your perception of yourself.

Until next time,

More Thoughts About Thelma

It's been a month and a half since my beloved cat Thelma made her transition. My feelings of missing her come and go in waves.

I gave her unopened food and litter and toys to a friend with a cat. I donated her unused medicines to the vet clinic so that some other cat may benefit from them for free. I dropped off a few things at a cat shelter.

I washed out her food and water bowls and put them away. Saving them for another cat I hope to have one day, some day, in the future, in awhile, but not now.

Thelma had been having health challenges for the last 8 months, but the Life Force within her was so strong, she always bounced back after each episode or event. I marveled at the power of this Life Force, how life just wants to keep on living.

The end came fairly quickly. She hadn't been eating for about 5 or 6 days and then she got jaundiced very fast over the course of 24 hours. Her liver was failing and she was done. She was 19 years and 2 months, and I hope she was pleased with her life with me.

Ernest Holmes says death is but the shaking off of one garment and the donning of a new one. There can be no death when the Life Principle pervades everything. The forms are ever-changing, but the Life Force cannot be destroyed. Energy cannot be destroyed; it just gets redistributed. Spirit is eternal, therefore, we all are eternal.