In this month's issue of the Conscious Kernels Newsletter, I wrote about Health Prosperity. When we think of prosperity, it always seems to be about money. How much we have. How much we need. How much we want.
Prosperity is more than just that. And Prosperity Consciousness is definitely more than just knowing you have all the money you need.
How is your health? Do you take it for granted? Do you consider it part of your prosperity? As the old saying goes: "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything." Health is part of your prosperity consciousness -- or it should be. How can you enjoy money and all the things money can buy you if you are sick? If you are in pain? If you are worried if you will live another day?
Prosperity begins with gratitude. So the first thing we can all do is be grateful for our health. We can be grateful for the perfect health we are underneath all the other conditions. It is there. We just have to let the Law reveal it.
Enjoy your health. Become conscious of it. How great your lungs breathe. How fantastically your heart beats. How wonderfully your stomach processes food. That is the love of God acting as you.
And that is what prosperity is -- the loving givingness of God to us.
Until next time, Namaste