This month I bring up the subject of "walking the walk" and what that means to you.
We all know it is easier to talk the talk than to walk the walk because there is much less effort involved. We can always say what we should be thinking or what someone else should do, but when it comes to acting in a certain way or really thinking and believing in a certain way, then it takes more effort.
It is something you have to be vigilant about. Catch yourself when you are not walking the walk and get back on course. That is what the Bible phrase " praying without ceasing" really means. To be thinking and believing and acting in the highest spiritual consciousness you can at your current level of understanding and awareness.
We also discussed in the April issue of the Conscious Kernels free monthly eNewsletter, the idea of when a challenge comes back into your experience.
Let's say you had a challenge and through treatment work or prayer or whatever you want to call it, the challenge was resolved. Then, weeks, months or even years later, that challenge returns. What does that mean? What do you do now?
A challenge is in your life for a reason. Perhaps you never figured out what that was when you had it the first time, but through sheer will power or maybe treatment from a Practitioner, the challenge left your experience. But you did not change, not at the deep subconscious level, so the challenge had to return. That is the Law.
Don't beat yourself up about it. The challenge gives you the opportunity to examine your beliefs and your thinking. And to know greater for yourself. What a wonderful gift!
Share your thoughts. Can you see a challenge as a gift?