Tuesday, May 8, 2007

New Teleseminars and Online Classes

Exciting happenings going on at Conscious Kernels. We have introduced and added teleseminars and online classes to our line-up. Teleseminars are phone-in seminars. There is a speaker or discussion leader and the audience. You call in on a regular phone line and can participate in the discussion, question and answer session, etc.
On-line classes work the same way.

Our introductory teleseminar is coming up on June 5 and is FREE! We will have a "Meet the Author" teleseminar with our lastest author, Jennifer Weggeman, author of "A Month of Sundays, Vol. 1" ebook and audiobook. A Month of Sundays is a collection of 30 inspirational affirmations. Each about a page long, these were written when Jennifer went into her Akashic Records. Fascinating stuff! She wrote these down as she read her Records. You can learn all about that at the Meet the Author session.

But you have to sign up now as space is limited. Just go to the website page or go to the home page at www.consciouskernels.com and click on the Teleseminar link at the top of the left hand column. You can get the details of our first seminar there. We also have a further explanation of teleseminars and how you can benefit.

This is a very exciting and new way for you to explore your personal spiritual growth. I know a number of people do not live anywhere near a New Thought church or group. So we can become your local group via the telephone!

We also want ideas for future online classes and teleseminars, so if you get on any one of our mailing lists (customer, newsletter, free book, ecourse, teleseminar sign up), we will be sending you a survey to see what people want to learn, what people want a greater understanding of, what people need to feel more fulfilled. We want to help people with their challenges. So hopefully the survey will go out soon after the first teleseminar and that will be the impetus of many more to come. All for your personal spiritual growth.

Until next time,