Well, this is Day 2 of the ICSL (International Centers for Spiritual Living) and UCSL (United Centers for Spiritual Living) combined Leadership Conference. It is sunny out and all I want to do right now is find a nice comfortable chair in the sun. But alas, there isn't one so I thought I would blog instead!
I am attending the Leadership Conference in the capacity of Board of Trustees President of the Oak Park Church of Religious Science. So far I have attended general sessions which are turning out to be workshops on our "stuff" and one break-out session for laity. Not exactly what I came here for. Where is learning how to be a better leader? Getting people involved and enthusiastic about becoming a member of a Center for Spiritual Living? But the main attraction of this Leadership Conference is that it is the first one these two sister organizations have held together.
I did attend the official business meeting of UCSL even though we are an ICSL-member church. It was interesting albeit not very substantive. Mostly budget and operating expenses talk.
Tomorrow and Thursday, we will be getting into the heart of the matter. ICSL has its Annual Congress tomorrow inwhich I am sure there will be heated discussion about the whole subject of integration. (That is: ICSL and UCSL merging into one entity). There are several proposals on the table that will challenge the timing of this merger and other pre-conditions to the merger. I am a delegate at the conference and get one vote on all the motions coming before the group.
Then on to a tour of the UCSL headquarters in Golden and the Wednesday night service at Mile Hi Church (a UCSL mega-church here in Denver).
Thursday will bring an open discussion about integration which is sure to be a lively debate.
We have walked around the surrounding hotel area a little bit. There is not much time between sessions. We hope to do more of that on Friday before we leave.
Stay tuned for updates on the ICSL Congress taking place Wednesday.
Until then,
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