Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March Idea of the Month

This is the last "Idea of the Month" posting.

Conscious Kernels is closing its cyber-doors on March 27. 2015. It has been a pleasure to be with you each month for nearly 10 years sharing empowering and enlightening ideas.

So we leave with a very powerful idea: we are all divine expressions of the One Life. We are the end result of a Universal Divine Mind thinking perfect thoughts in perfect harmony with Itself because there is only Itself. And it only knows Itself as perfection, wholeness and completeness. That means that we are the effect of this whole and perfect causal thinking which makes us, as individualized expressions of the One, the same perfection, wholeness and completeness.

Our ultimate spiritual growth, then, is to believe, embrace and express this Truth. We are the Life, Love, Light, Power, Peace, Beauty and Joy of God.

Blessings to you all. We wish you well on your continued path of spiritual growth.
